Mayor Unveils Our Endeavour Information Board

Once we had obtained the use of the excellent mooring near to the Crooked Billet in the Old Town, we realised passers by would be able to see Endeavour but not know anything about her history. We talked to Cory Environmental Trust in Southend and they undertook to fund a board giving details of our Endeavour and her past.

Staff at Southend Borough Council took on all the work. Our Mayor, Cllr Ann Holland, very kindly agreed to come and do the honours to dedicate the sign and make it available for public viewing. This was particularly relevant because the Mayor was the Chair of the Cory Environmental Trust when they agreed to fund the information board.

Our thanks therefore go not only to Southend Borough Council’s Lynn Jones, Abbey Greenwood and Debee Skinner for their invaluable help and assistance but to all who helped to make the funding, designing, manufacturing and siting of the information board a reality.

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